Blended intensive programme (BIP)

A Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) is a short, intensive programme that use innovative ways of learning and teaching, including the use of online cooperation. By enabling new and more flexible mobility formats that combine physical mobility with a virtual part, blended intensive programmes aim at reaching all types of students from all backgrounds, study fields and cycles.


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Linee guida per l’implementazione dei Programmi intensivi misti (Blended Intensive Programmes -BIP)

BIP Translational research in MDR: how to move from preclinical research to clinical benefits Universidade de Coimbra

The primary objectives of this program are to advance the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying drug sensitivity and resistance in conventional chemotherapy and targeted anti-cancer therapies, identifying new prognostic markers, drug response indicators, and therapeutic targets.
Furthermore, the program aims to develop knowledge and skills related to strategies for overcoming drug resistance through new therapies, validating these approaches from preclinical studies to clinical trials.

BIP Drug development, repurposing and formulation against MDR, and relative toxicological aspects-DesignDrugs2MDR

This BIP aims: i) to provide participants with knowledge and skills on the development of innovative, safe and effective drugs for multidrug-resistant (MDR) tumors; ii) to promote collaboration among students from different institutions and countries, fostering the sharing of knowledge and expertise as well as stimulating critical thinking in the field of the treatment of MDR tumors

Referente BIP unisi

Prof.ssa Simona Saponara 
