Complaints and suggestions (for enrolled students only)


From the academic year 2022/23, all students of the University of Siena can submit suggestions, remarks, complaints or appreciations through an online form, thus giving listening the attention it needs.


Users can assert their right to be listened to, and collecting such expressions is to considered as a primary need, because it allows to:
- improve service;
- adopt solutions, corrective or preventive measures;
- monitor the quality of services;
- value appreciations.


Complaint means any claim submitted to the University due to failed or poor service or performance by a structure of the University;
suggestion means any proposal submitted to the University aiming to take measures for an amelioration of effectiveness, efficacy, cost-saving and quality standards;
remark means any communication to inform the University about an inefficiency, an inappropriate or failed action or activity;
appreciation means any expression of satisfaction regarding a provided service, a positive fact and/or experience.